Wednesday, August 5, 2009

i have a headache...

We've been having our exams this week, and i dont think i did well on one of them. General Chemistry is killing me, not the lab, the lecture sid eof general chemistry... Ever since i took that class my life has been a living heck... Pshh, and his friggen exams possibly wiped out the nursing students, most of them were complaining.. Haha

So anyway, last night, RJ's friend Steffy (stuffy in my world) left back for thailand, so shes in luck. At least school hasnt started there yet. And in about a week and a half, my friend is going back to the states (oklahoma) and shes gonna go to school there. She was supposed to go to school here, but she didnt like it i guess.... I want to go home too. The lack of picles, sour candy, and internet is killing me.. Slowly.... Somehow i feel like im back in the middle ages...

Recently theres been a rather large case of blackouts in MVC, so every once in a while, the lights will go out. And its been quite windy here too, so the howling of the wind and the dark streets of MVC is more of a horror movie than the school of the light, generally speaking of course. It is still the school of the light.. HAhhahaa

Backing up, I havent gone to valencia in a while, and i really need to though. Its killing me i havent eaten chicken in a while, i dont like the deep fried ones they make at our house, but i like the ones they have a Chow King or Jollibee. And in attempt to redeem my partially chinese culture (yeah right) im gonna make some honey chicken... I've been looking for some chinese restaurant around here but im not getting any luck. Besides, the chinese restaurant (also known as chowking) here doesnt serve chinese, it serves everything BUTT chinese.... I mean seriously, since when did the chinese invent Halo-Halo? Or serve fried chicken and have chicharron cracker thingies? They dont even have honey chicken!!! Well i told some people my plan, the filipinos that grew up here, and the one response i got was "whats that?"

Then i told rochelle (filipino but american) that was gonna make some, and she wants some too.. Now i gotta find some chicken boobs (or breasts same thing), or i have to slaughter one... Hahah i told rochelle how to kill a chicken! She was a bit freaked out...

SO im gonna play for S.O. next friday so i gotta get cracking on my piece. I think i can upload a video later, once i take one. I need to find a substitute for Rice Wine Vinegar, they dont have any here in the phillipines...

---So here goes the main ramble of the day....---
(we will change the names of the people for anonymous purposes)
Theres this guy, his name is Ricky, and he WONT FRIGGEN LEAVE ME AAAALLLLONE. !@#$%^&

So like heres the story. Last week for S.O. (student orientation) i was supposed to play the violin for the meditation. I was practicing alone, and i txted Clyde (my cousin pianist) to come to the church so we could practice. He brought his friend, Justin and Bob. So while we were practicing, Justin hanged around Clyde, and Bobby was floating around me. After we were done, bobby started talking to me. I didnt mind, it was actually my first time associating with him even though he's in like 2 of my classes... We said bye bye and that was it.

Next day, it was friday, and it turns out there were some complications for S.O. and so i got moved to a later date. I was walking around MVC since i felt lazy and just wanted to go walking, besides, there was a breeze. When all the sudden, Justin comes out of NOWHERE (like thin thin air) and says "have you seen clyde?"

Seriously, clyde never has load, so people cant really contact him. I'm planning to load the guy every week so he'll at least reply when i txt him, forget the others, its all about me.. :D

So i walk around with Justin, and we just start talking about random stuff... He was still okay in my book at the time. We found clyde in the Pioneer Guesthouse and there was clydes old singing group. It was pretty cool. Justin brought his soccer ball, and said he'd help me with soccer if i helped him with violin. Agreed (i still have the offer). We hung out the rest of the day....

SATURDAY came and i went to the A.Y. program, and he approached me. I got annoyed since he kept talking about one of my cousins, for short, we will call her Bombalaquisha...

He kept asking me "did i change"? And i didnt know how to answer that question since i only met him a few days ago. And constantly he would say "bombalaquisha said that i change, did i change?" i got soooo annoyed like that was the whole topic, and it continues today... He wants me to talk to her and find out..... It turns out Bombalaquisha is annoyed with him too and wants him to go away and has been avoiding him since. Justin followed me around until 9 pm... It was like having my own kid, dragging them around to whatever and where ever you go forreal.. :D

Anyway, so it was night time and i had to go to practice and this guy kept following. So i ditched practice and went on to having a study session with RJ since the day after was our exams. We studied, and Justin came along... We went home, i dropped by RJ's dorm to get some notes, and decided to walk home... Justin wanted to come along... I couldnt get him off my tail. I said "Aren't you sleepy? maybe you shoiuld go sleep." "go home its late" "im not sure whether im allowed to invite people into my uncles home, its not my house anyway." (BTW my uncle is the father of Bombalaquisha) That kind of thing...

BUT HE WOULDNT GO AWAY!!! I made him wait outside just for a few minutes so i could change and we could talk outside since i wasnt sure if i could let him in. I came out of my room all changed, and HE WAS FRIGGEN STANDING NEAR MY ROOM! AHHH

I had to eat too, so i sat at the table to eat and stuff, and Justin was saying "i'm hungry". My uncle told him to eat, and he didnt. Then he just sat next to me and asked "Did i change?"

Friggen guy wont leave me alone.... And thats my rant...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

i hate computers

Well generably speaking, i hate most computers. They're great and all, and yeah i spent some money on one, but i hate the computers here in the computer lab. Seriously what kind of computer has 32 mb of ram? i can barely load anything with this piece of poo. Sigh, and they expect me to facebook?

Lmao so whatever... I got news from nicky that she was gonna transfer schools along with her parents. I want to transfer too but not to where they're going, i dont like the school program around here, and its sooo annoying cleaning your shoes all the time cuz the road is all muddy. And i cant stand some of the teachers... And even though its not really needed, i hate not having internet.

I cant ge internet around here, and if i do, its super slow and i cant even load google.

*kicks stupid computer*

Monday, July 27, 2009

I just finished class so i guess i have some time to make a blog post. I'll make this one long too, cuz im not sure when i can blog again. So anyway...

I'm practicing my photoshopping abilities so my pictures will look awesome. Hopefully i can post some high resolution pictures later, once i figure out how to do that on my camera, or if i get one of those super-mega-ultra super-tourist cameras with the giant lense and need a 10 wheeler to drag around. haha!

So anyway, i've been having classes and its been great. Rj and me have all the same classes, so its pretty fun having him around when weird stuff happens. For example, when this girl (not marielle, this one is BRAND SPANKING NEW or "fresh off de boat") liked RJ, it was hilarious. Actually, she was obsessing over him and it even got to the point where the girl got jealous. She began asking Nicky questions like "are you RJ's girlfriend?" and stuff like that. It was quite entertaining to hear and see. The girl would stare at RJ, even when he wasnt looking. I sorta saw because when people stare, i stare right back, plus it looked like she was staring at me so it was really confusing...

RJ broke her heart in the end, but its okay, RJ still gets that death stare from her...

Moving along...
Again with the death stares. Okay so being a person who is fluent in english, living in MVC (or near) can be a hassle. Everytime you speak, people stare! Its so awkward, like then when you walk away, they still have their eyes glued to you. Take mom's advice and smile, or take auntie's advice and stare back, you choose. Even when we aren't speaking english, the stares continue.

We were walking around in front of Gaisano (its sorta like a grocery store), and we passed a bunch of people. AS we walked by, not saying a word, we felt their eyes staring at us. I bet if we turned around we'd catch them, but we didnt....

From my experience, this is how a hello goes:
Nick: Hello!
Random Person: Hi!

Now around these parts:
Nick: Hello!
Random Person2: Yes...

And in MVC:
Nick: Hello!
Random Person3: *weird expression on face as if constipated*

And when people are sitting down:
Nick: HELLO!
Random person4: *death stare*

Pretty scary if you ask me.. :D
So moving along... i have to think of a new post later... I'll write later..


Well here we go,.... School year started off, so me and rj got a few stories to tell..

First off, fresh off de boat, theres the topic of RJ's former girlfriend... Shes been haveing on and off crushes throughout the ongoing semester and it kills me how Rj isnt responding to her. Hahaha! You guessed it, Marielle is back... Well she listed her crushes on her blog... Rj happens to be Number 13 on the list, and climbing. Haha

Moving on. So just last night, there was a scare about the NPA or the New Peoples Army, and the dormitorians were confined to their rooms. Lolo thinks its just a joke that the guards are playing to keep people from roaming around at night, otherwise the siren would have sounded alerting everybody. Haha.

Anyway, we've been having classes and whatnot. Its been great, except that passing is gonna be a challenge. Tonight i'm gonna practice my chemistry homework because its running me over.. And i still have to do my report for Theoretical Foundations of Nursing. Its pretty hard too. Balancing my schedule can be rough, but i hope i can make it. And math with sir is sooooo hard. Sir Ferrer, the teacher that taught my mom, is teaching me. And the way he teaches is so, weird. I cant understand. He expects us to be in his head, and then wants us to learn. To me its like running into the wall over and over again. Sigh... And the book is no good because its written by him.

And now, for the moment you have been waiting for... My complaining.
So this school year has gotten to a rough start, and im so pissed. I dont care if they fricken read this, i dont care if it makes them angry or laugh, i dont give a damn....

SO there are these guys, and they act like they are on top of the world. When actually, they are gonna be at the bottom of it. Just watch. So me and RJ, we've been buddies since last year, and we are like close buddies and we have weird advendtures along with our trusty sidekick Nicky. Like the love stories with Rj and his awkward admirers, nicole and her information and gossip, and me and my weird self, yeah i guess you could say we were barkada. Haha.

But lately these guys have been picking on us, and its been annoying. I've been trying to ignore them. They call us names, tell stories about us to other people, and make us seem like we're bad people. For instance, they call me and RJ FAGS to get us off the hook. And they tell everybody that we are fags and how we blah blah blah. Well, i didnt want to get involved so we tried ignoring them thinking that they'd leave us alone. But its been going on and on and on and on, and its pissing me off. Sometimes i feel like getting a knife and just stabbing my pillow (just to vent out my anger). I just wanna hurt them real bad. I mean, seriously, i;ve been trying to remediate myself by not cursing or yelling at people when i get angry. I'm just trying to keep it in, and im not sure how RJ handles it but he's okay, or so it seems.. :D

Kane and Dan are their names. They go by the name Kane Simoso (or however you spell it) and Dan de Guzman. They think they are so cool, but they act like complete assholes. Im so mad....

They make fun of everything that i own (i dont know about rj, but maybe they do). Like for instance, the Dell laptop, that was really expensive and has awesome hardware, is just a piece of junk that they think they can just make fun of. I know it may seem childish, but i like my computer, and they dont know what people went through just to buy me this computer. And i bet their computer is a piece of junk too.

Then goes the RJ part. Recently i found out that they call me a fag because im RJ's buddy. And seriously? I guess they dont see the light.

I see them, they drink and smoke.

Rj is my buddy, and they seriously dont have the right to label somebody. IF i had the right to name them, heres how it would go:

Kane Simoso: Guy who cant get a girl because everyone that he meets, she dumps (Dolly Belican for one). And the guy who has no sensitivity to girls. I bet even the gay people wont like him.

Dan de Guzman: One who cannot even pass his senior year in MVCA when countless mentally retarded people have. Its hilarious. And plus, he's either gonna die of Lung cancer or alchohol poisoning or kidney failure from all the drugs and drinks he takes.

Lets see how this all turns over. Im gonna play the huggest prank on them, and lets see how it turns over. I learned how to do Chinese Water Torture... Its great when u want somebody to go crazy!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

25 Things About Me

Well I was back reading some of Rj's old posts, and I read this post where he defined himself in 25 little statements. Okay!

1. I fall down the stairs constantly. No doubt. It's natural for me to do somersaults on elevated platforms.

2. I like to sleep when it's sunny and be awake when it's raining.

3. I have never eaten brussel sprouts

4. When I play piano, I make movies in my head to help me express music.

5. I am a pyromaniac

6. I like when people tell you straight forward, not gossip behind your back.

7. I like all music, being open minded with all.

8. I like movies with Jet Li and other wu shu people in it. Martial arts is like the best sport in my eyes.

9. I don't go to movie theaters, except IMAX since it's educational.

10. I like chinese history.

11. I have dreams in the form of music videos.

12. I procrastinate, a lot...

13. I usually fall asleep in loud classes and stay awake in quiet classes.

14. I want to skydive just for the thrill.

15. I can't stay up past 10:30 here in the Philippines, but can stay up till 5am in the states.

16. I like to watch car crashes in slow motion.

17. I've only seen one car crash...

18. I killed my friends parakeet, with my friend.

19. I don't like eating spicy food, I have horrible experiences...

20. I like it when it doesn't rain, that means less sticky, and more bike-ee.

21. I hate it when people complete sentences when the teacher is talking.

22. Airports annoy me when it comes to security.

23. I like to wear shorts than pants.

24. I wear shorts under my pants.

25. I like cherries because they have seeds you can spit, thus the cherry pit basketball game.

So yeah, about the parakeet... We stuck stuff in it's food and spiked the water, just to see what would happen. But unfortunately we saw too much... :(

I'm in class now, I failed the test... Sigh... Ö psychology is making me crazy. I guess I need to get my studying up to date, I hate standards. So yeah..

Posted with LifeCast

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Shhh Im Not Here

Lol so today we are having classes. The week is almost over so I got to know most of my teachers. Since we call our teachers by their last names, I should mention their names using, of course, their last name.


I guess that's it, if my class schedule serves me right. Well, me and RJ have the exact same classes, so I have a buddy. But there are so many people in each class, it feels like public school again, except most of the are Filipino and sometimes don't even want to talk to you because you're an English speaking person. Although I tell them I can understand a simple conversation, they refuse to talk so I just say hi once in a while. And now that there are more people around, people start to stare more (because around here, they practically glue their eyes to you) and turn heads more. So, take moms advice and frown at them. Haha! Give them some worthwhile entertainment.
Haha, so anyway...

Recently I hve had nobody to talk to because not much people like to talk about war and blowing up stuff, well, maybe just around here they don't. So try talking skateboards and bikes, I did, and it didn't work. Try talking pranks and weird jokes, but they don't understand. Here's a good one, you talk about music, like artists and their songs, but they have no clue what you're talking about!! Agh! What to do what to do...

So yeah I've been in my little bubble that only a few know about... Lately I've been wanting to play a prank on people..

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Too Lazy To Hunt Down For Internet

Well, I thought that I could hack all the wifispots around here in mvc, but some dummy deleted it off my USB and computer. Sigh... I think it was the anti-virus. Now I have to use the crappy version to hack. Well lately the school has gotten a lot of wifi spots, especially in emerald hall.

Speaking of emerald hall, Dr. Dial announced that there are a few rooms left. Possibly because the supposed "international dorm", is chock full of Philippine citizens! Wow, and they say you can't call the kettle black (I seriously have no clue what that means). Even some of the english speaking people that are from the states, are born in the Philippines! Isn't it amazing?! Well, it sometimes makes me wonder why they built an international dorm.. Awkward..

Back to the topic, there's a whole bunch places with open wifi, if you don't include Nicky's house as an open internet place. Lol, take note RJ, do not abuse the INTERNET POWER OF NICKY. She needs it more than we do. :)

Sigh... I hope they get wifi in RJ's room. I know that his roomate needs internet. *wink wink

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White Guy Stalker...

Remember that half white guy that I saw at LAX airport? Yeah, I saw him in chow king Valencia... Freaky, he wouldn't stop staring.

So I've been up to a lot of things this week. During enrollment, uncle "borrowed" the class numbers. So we finished ebrolling quickly. But before that, me and RJ decided to visit the highschool's first day of school, which was in the auditorium as their first chapel service. I said hi to a lot of people, and it was okay. I started to redread the typical American to Filipino conversation where they don't know what they you are talking about and end the conversation with "okay". Then you have to start a new topic because that one went so well. Then they okay everything and it gets real awkward.. So I was happy when RJ introduced me to a new American girl (pure Filipino though). So we met, her name is Amy Adlaon, so mom or auntie, find out if we are related. It'd be awesome. I think her dads name is Wellie? I dunno. But it was so relieving to have a conversation that actually continued even if the topic was stupid, and didn't end in one word...

Back to the subject, they started singing and Ma'am Canarecio was the chorister, and she sang this song that had whistling and stuff. But it was hilarious!! She was singing falsetto because the pitch was too high! So she told the pianist to "lower the bitch". We started laughing!!! And when I mean we, it was just the international students. And then she mumbled it again and it was even more hilarious! Nobody cept the international students laughed. So we finished enrolling, and we set out for whatever there was left to do.

Then school for the college was cancelled because of a swineflu scare. Why they call it h1n1 virus I have no clue... I visited mvc a lot to hang with people, and we had fun I guess. I met a whole bunch of people this year. Lol. Fun fun. Will update when I'm not too lazy to... Time goes by sooo slowly over here...

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California LAX

So we got to california, and dad wanted to check for his flight. We walked out it was FREEZING! LOL I hate California weather. So he checked in and dad brought us to the check in place for Philippine airlines. We ate a McDonalds, well we just ate fries let's leave it at that. Haha! Fun fun.. We checked in finally and they said some stuff about my student something or another blah blah. It was hilarious when the supervisor came to help us. She spoke perfect tagalog, and she was lighting fast at speaking too! I don't think anybody couldve understood, cept dad I guess. Anyway she was talking really good Tagalog and really fast, and when she said "student permit" it was really slow and well said. Lmao. I was trying to keep my laugh in. Haha!

Anyway so we said goodbye to dad and we left to get checked for any bad stuff (possibly stuff like bad magazines or cigars I don't know), and it was such hassle! Gah!! So if u didn't know, I was dragging two laptops through the airports. And we had to take em out of my carry-on luggage, and I swear, I was like the blood clot LAX. I probably caused the airport a few blackouts and heart attacks. Finally we were done.

We got to our gate, and I wanted some sour candy, so I went to buy some, I picked the biggest bag ($1.50, not bad for a bag of that size), and when cashier scanned it and added the tax, it was like $3.00! I was like "No!! my 150 pesos!!" I was angry... We waited at the gate and a whole flood of Filipinos came in, cept this one guy who was half white, and he was with his parents.

We boarded and it was still friggen cold. During the flight I wore my sweater, and put the blanket on my face and body. And I was still cold! My face was freezing! I could have had hypothermia and they wouldn't care. We landed after 13 hours of the airliner trying to preserve their passengers, you know, keep em fresh? Just individually wrap us if you want to keep our flavor tasting good!

That was it...

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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Airplane "ad-ben-chore"

Part 1: Last minute packing and departure.
I woke up around 6 am and walked downstairs, when mom reminded me that I had to finish packing my carry-on stuff. So I started on that, and eventually finished. All that was left was to take a quick bath and slap on some clothes. After that I waited for my dad to finish his preperations. We said our goodbyes and stuff and then left for Miami International Airport. We waited for dad to park the car while we waited with the luggages. We finally checked in and started to get ourselves "checked" by the airport security. Same old same old. We walked to our gate and bought some pizza. We also watched Wall-E till Timmy (my laptop) almost died. I didn't charge him the night before so yeah.

We boarded on our plane, and it was the longest ride I have ever had in my entire life. But I did watch Parks and Recreation, hilarious...

Next, part 2! California!

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

So, Yeah

Well tthis week has been hectic due to the fact that all thaw graduations have been going on. Now this week I have to play "Pomp and Circumstance" for my old private school, on the violin. Lol the teacher wants it to be authentic sounding, as if the cd wasn't enough!! LOL update u later... I have to practice now.

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Lol I can blog!!!

Yaaaaayyyyy!!!!!! This is awesome since I now can blog from the iPod so no more long lines at the computer lab!!!! Whoo now I can blog on the go!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

My pitiful papaya tree…

So this week was pretty awesome, although it went by pretty slow. It all started when Pastor Glenn asked me to go fishing last week. I said yeah sure, so we went fishing. Now, yeah i have some experience fishing, but usually me and my friend were at a lake catching fresh water fish, and some annoying lake weed.

We were gonna go to the pier for some fishing, but then there was a change in plans… We were gonna go deep sea fishing! yaaayyy i’ve never gone deep sea fishing! SO before we got on the boat, we stopped by a little store to pick up some food, cuz the best medicine for sea sickness is eating food! It may not feel like the best idea when you feel like up-chucking your breakfast, but it is the right idea. So we got the food, and i took some motion sickness pills in case cuz it was my first time fishing on a boat.  :O

We got to the docks a bit little bit early, so there was time to meet the captain and the guy who helps the captain and the fishermen. So we waited a good hour for all those who were gonna hop on the boat, and WE WERE OFF! oh btw, fishermen a really cool, and they always help you in fishing.

So we began i didnt get any bites for the first few sections. But then i put on more weights and changed my bait to squid. As soon as my bait hit rock bottom, i got a hit! And it was REALLY REALLY difficult to reel it in, the rod wouldnt stop moving! I lost the bait, and the weights cuz the line sorta got cut at the bottom. Pastor Glenn said it was probably a blue marlin since the rod was moving like crazy. like wow, a blue marlin!

So i caught a few fish, like three. The others got away or were too small, or poisonous. So i brought home three of em, and stuck em in a cooler…

So yeah… Oh i have a papaya tree, it looks horrible. I think its dying now. It was looking pretty good last last week…

IMG_5343 IMG_5342

The last of em…


Saturday, May 2, 2009


watchin pacman....

too busy...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Well its one of those days that i have when i feel completely inspired by something, then i realize that there is no way i could possibly do that in my current situation… :(

It started last week when i suddenly got the urge to play my violin. Sadly, i dont have a violin here in the states cuz i took it to the phillipines. So my parents said that they would get me one so i could practice during my stay, but we never got around doing that. So recently i saw this piece that i wanted to play, and i was so inspired after i heard the song, but then i sorta dont know anymore. After a while of knowing that its impossible to do whatever you want, then it really seems far away. Now i dont even feel like touching a violin. All hope lost.

Now i was reviewing my simple circuit stuff just recently, when i realized that it was seriously easy learning about the simple circuit when you actually see one (i was looking at chipsets and motherboards and what nots..). So i got inspired to create a circuit complete with parts (which were carefully researched). I found out what components work with what, and whether the parts were compatible with each other. All hard work with additional sweat. All the parts were $1-10 per part, so i tried working in a budget. I even asked a guy to program the thing (he’s my former-classmate genius).

Well, it turns out that I cant order parts online, since i dont have an account or credit card, and i cant pay in cash… I dont have permission to use the soldering equipment, nor do i have permission to practice the soldering. I dont have the right tools like a small clamp and magnifier to do the detailed work. So, just another one gone by.

maybe next time i catch a drift, i’ll have the right stuff

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Super small entry… :D

well its been a while since i blogged so i think it would be a good time to update you on whatever is going on now. So i think that i should start from the somewhat beginning.

So recently i went biking around, like i mean around around. Our compound that we live in is rather large, so biking is practically a weeks-worth workout. I biked far and low, and nearly hit a mail-box when i wasnt paying attention. :P

Then me and my friend decided to go and play basketball. Actually, he was supposed to help me practice, turns out it was a competition against each other… He ended up winning. I forgot the score though.. :D

BUt when i was walking to the basketball court, i saw this guy who doesnt know how to park. Lol its hilarious. Over a two day period (not consecutively…) he parked in two different positions…

Haha001 Haha015

The stupidity of this guy. Notice how he’s on the sidewalk and grass, what a doo doo head. And in the second he’s like blocking the garage! He lives in our neighborhood, so its pretty much a daily sighting.

I also went shopping for new clothes and got a few goodies.


i guess thats all that happened…. Will update later… :D Oh and im also addicted to chicken nuggets now.

Friday, April 3, 2009

starburst craze…

im eating starburst candy now, its a great taffy and all, but i only like the red ones…

i need to buy candy for RJ and Nicky. Last time my dad brought candy to me in the Philippines, RJ and Nicky ate some. I’m not sure whether they dont like it, so I’ll get em some nasty chocolate… :D

hope you guys like dark!

Clearing the garage…

so about two days ago, i decided to clean the garage (in hopes of gaining a few extra cash on the side to buy RJ’s and other peoples gifts). So far my goal is about $68 USD (which is 3400 Philippine pesos with the standard of $1=P50) So far my garage cleaning is up to its almost third day, that being today. I got most of the garage cleaned, but unorganized it a way. so far, i fixed most of that today by smashing a few boxes, but its still 11:05 AM here in Florida.. so i hope that i can get a lot done today. Im just taking a quick break since its tiring when you’re the skinny guy lifting heavy boxes….

So it got me thinking, what is in these boxes? i cracked a few open and they were CD’s from a long time ago. Back when windows was actually making software for the public. Its like computer artifacts that i was longing to destroy… ;D

its awkward when you dont clean things up, cuz then more things start to clutter and soon enough you’re buried in the debt. Much like my room, but the irony is, im cleaning the garage but not my room… :D

so i asked my dad if i could throw away some of this old software, and he said “yeah you could”… browsing through the boxes, i found more than just old software, i found a whole bunch of memories. I recently found my grandparents picture in one of the boxes, and i remember looking at those when i was still really little (like 4 or 5). And i found some old toys that i used to play with and cds that me and my sister (alecca) used to spend hours playing on the computer. Im not sure whether you guys know about putt-putt. lol… so anyway…

and the cool part is, i found my dad’s diploma when he graduated from IIT in iligan, the real one, not the copy… and i also found my mom’s book filled with her old applications and stuff along with her “something” that she needed to renew her licensure for nursing in the Philippines… :D and whole bunch of old pictures that i dont remember being in… :D

well, im off to clean again… i will show you my progress after cuz i dont wanna embarass anyone anyhow… :D

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Where is RJ and Nicky?

usually, when i was in the phillipines, i was always the one that doesnt always blog since, uhh, i had no internet and was a commuter from MVC...

now RJ and Nicky always had internet sources, and it makes me wonder, where are they cuz they, uh huh, havent been blogging or replyin to facebook messages and yahoo IM messages.... Well, i know Nicky always had internet at her house, but RJ always takes a hike to the Computer Lab to do this kind of stuff....

i wonder where they are, i have important questions for em....

New Laptop!!!!

So a few days ago my laptop came in the mail! Well, actually i thought it was gonna run into our mail box. See i was sweeping the driveway, and i hear this really loud car/truck like coming down the street, really really fast… So like i thought it was one of our neighbors angrily driving down to work because he has to pay off bills so his house doesnt become foreclosed. So his wife made him go to work because she is still looking for a job because her previous job totally fired her so shes stuck at home looking for a job… :D

So anyway, the lady (i didnt know it was a lady at the time) practically stopped right in front of our house, and by the way the truck stopped, it looked like she floored the brakes! Lol… she practically missed our mailbox by a few inches… :D

She got out and gave me my laptop and stuff, i took it and signed for it.. :D and she drove off. I wasnt expecting it for another day, but i guess it missed me so it came earlier… :D

Now all i have to do is fill its memory with music, pictures and movies. Will take pictures once i find a memory card…. :D


I’ve been playing on the internet, and im downloading a whole lotta movies for people (mainly for cai2x, my cousin…). So far i downloaded movies that i love to watch, like animated movies that were (and are) awesome…

For example, Wall-e, Kung Fu Panda, Bolt, Happy Feet, etc etc…

I have yet to download a movie involving living people as actors, but i have some in mind. I was browsing the internet for some good titles, but i only downloaded a few. Any suggestions?

We just Touched, Awkwardly.... :D

hahaha i found this really funny video on youtube thanks to my sister and my new laptop... :D hahaha

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

how bout some gifts?

When i go back to the phillipines, some people are expecting some gifts or "BH" or in other words, gifts. When i left, only a few people asked for some "BH" so to the few, i will give. They mainly asked for chocolate so i'll look for some scrap wrappers and head to the nearest dumpster behind the hershey factory...

Hehe and I'm still looking for a gift for RJ and Nicky, its pretty hard. I cant tell what they are interested in, but i have a few ideas. Im just planning to get em two gifts each cuz my budget is pretty low. Im saving up my money, but so far that hasnt gone very well. I got up to two bucks, but then i lost it... I have nooo clue where it is....

---Much Later---

I still cant find my money, i need it badly... Well, i found out what i'm gonna get both of em, something they both dont have, thats for sure, so i'll get em the same thing! :D

But I have to save my moolah before they go outta stock. And im thinking of getting RJ this hilarious stuffed toy that i found, but i need 7 bucks (about 350 pesos). Well, i dont think i can sell lemonade or wash cars during the recession so i guess i have to find a way to get some money, without asking people for more money... I could ask my little sister, she somehow got waaay richer than me, couple hundred here and there... :D

WEll, the second gift im getting RJ and Nicky is a secret... :D

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I really dont like getting pimples on my face, or somehow getting my face covered in oil... Its a nasty feeling... well, recently my face is a hotspot for oil bathes and great hikes on large hills and mountains. its like a zit trailer park where all the zits hang out and build a campsite where everyone stays in large tents...

As of now, i have two progressing pimples and two disappearing ones. I think its due to the fact that i dont sleep early that makes my pimples thooper huge. Sigh... Well, its killing me... Mom put neosporin on the biggest one, and its starting to go away...

i hope theres no scars...

Friday, March 20, 2009


my arms hurt, i dont know why they just do...
maybe i didnt drink enough milk...

The recents...

Well SO today is March 20, 2009, and i think our milk expired today. Well, milk doesnt expire on the date printed on the carton, it just means that thats when the store has to take it off the shelves so whatever...

Recently, I've been doing some yardwork and its not going so well. Like I fertilized the grass, and its been like a few days, and still no rain to help out the little fertilizers.. Sigh, well thats how it goes right? Then i tried killing the weeds on the driveway that grow in between the crevices that our driveway has since its not concrete, but like bricks in a sort of pattern. So i took out the spray that kills weeds (not lawns) and supposedly its supposed to kill within 48 hrs. Now, take note that was last week, and they still arent dead. That means i need to find a new spray cuz if i pull them, i never pull out the roots so they keep on growing.

I went to a few stores nearby to buy some stuff, but the most recent one was Target, the store oppositing Wal-mart. Everytime we go there, i buy some candy, mainly the one that i gave to RJ and Nicky when my dad came to MVC. SO now im the sugar guy, and i think i should stop. I think thats the reason why my pimples are growing and why i cant sleep at my usual time when i was in the phillipines... I the phillipines i slept at like 8 or 9, and wake up at 5. Now its like 10-12 wake up 8-9. Woooow... :D

Anyway, like i said we went to the store and bought some stuff. I got some shoes at this cool store with a whole bunch of stuff (for everyone...). I was thinking what i should get RJ, and i found this really cool THINGY and it was soooooooo funny! Hahahahha! Im gonna see whether i could find RJ a matching skull cap and shirt. And as for Nicky, i bought her a book that she might like since it sorta matches her type. Its all hard-cover (not white-cover), and its got quality pages that are thicker than usual notebook paper... :D I dont even want to open it cuz it looks so special, and thats why its on top of my desk gathering dust...

I also got a new pair of shoes, sooo cool...
mom is asking me where i want to go when we head up to Orlando, the place where Disney World is (not disneyland, thats in California). I want to go to Busch Gardens or Universal Studios Fl. awesome... :D

(Muh laptop that hasnt come yet)

And we finally ordered my laptop, and im waiting for the thooper slow delivery guy to deliver my laptop. Haha, like yesterday i saw this FEDEX truck (its a delivery service) and he stopped right in front of our house, and i thought it was my laptop, so i was watching whether it was my laptop. He brought out a regular sized box, enough to fit a few textbooks. He started out for our house, but then he took a quick look at the box, and stopped walking. He started looking around for the correct house and he walked, to the house parallel to ours...

all i have to do now is wait and kill weeds.... sigh...

Monday, March 16, 2009

The first post...

So since i havent blogged in a long time, I think i should make a really long post, just for old times sake. Hehe...

Well, I'm here at home, and theres soo much to do, but i dont feel like it. Like i should be practicing my trumpet (since i totally forgot how), but i dont feel like it... And i should be downloading a whole bunch of music and videos for Nicky and RJ, but im too lazy even though im always on the computer. And I also should be composing my musical renditions of hymns like i promised myself i would, but im sooo lazy.... Ughh....

Luckily on the bright side, at least i did the minimum work i should be doing. Like i washed my aunt's SOOPER EXPENSIVE LEXUS (BUT REALLY ISNT EXPENSIVE ANYMORE BECAUSE THEY CREATED A NEW MODEL SO THIS ONE IS ALL LET IN THE DUST AND I HAVE TO CLEAN [ALL THAT DUST]). Luckily, I have my new PSP with a whole bunch of music to keep me company. Its great actually.

Side note: When I was cleaning the Lexus, I noticed that there was this beat up dog (sorta like the ones in MVC, but dirtier) walking around. He was hanging around the area where we live so i assume that he lived nearby. But when I was cleaning the inside of the car (which still needs to be finished), he kept going into the garage so i had to keep kicking him out.

Actually, i feel bad now, cuz mom said that the dog was probably an abandoned dog from one of the foreclosed houses in our neighborhood. BUT I HATE THAT DOG! Someone left a big bag of garbage right outside our garage, and when we came back, the dog ripped open the bag, and practically spread it all over the upper left portion of our yard (within garage range). I had to pick up everything witch totally sucked. I was going to ship that dog off to the pound. And when i was cleaning up, some sort of light yellowish gooey liquid got on my hand from a disposed plate in the bag. EWWW, it smelt like fresh fart! I still dont see how i got it on my hand, i didnt even go near it.

Smelly fart+Gooey Yellow Liquid=Nick's hand?

well thats what happened...

So after, i downloaded a game demo onto my psp so I could see whether i want to play it or not. And after, i was convinced that this game was THOOPER FUN! haha! Seriously, it may look like a game for children or nitwits, but this game is GENIUS! Its all about this tribe of patapons and blah blah blah blah blah.... It was awsome, especially since you need musical genius to keep a beat since the whole game is about you leading this tribe through puzzles and wars by using drums..

Its called patapon and its AWESOME!!! I cant wait till the new one comes this May...Its an awesome game. You cant hate it unless you try it....

So the latest craze with me its patapon, but i have other things to think about. First i need to order a laptop. I was thinking a lot recently about the model I should order. I was leaning to the SONY side, but its waaayyy to expensive, although the really small one looked cool... Maybe later in life...

Then i went to TOSHIBA, but i found nothing there cuz they are just as expensive as SONY
Then i went to HP, thinking I have found hope! But dad said the customer service sucked.....
Then i went to DELL, but all the upgrades are expensive. BUT THE SERVICE IS GREAT!!!

So i stuck with dell. At first i was going for the small Inspiron 1300 which by the way is awesome looking, its just the graphics that suck.... But it turns out Clyde's mom is getting another laptop for work cuz clyde is going to "college" and needs a laptop, and his mom needs one too. So clyde gets the white one, and his mom gets the little blue one. Im stuck with whaaat???!(Clyde's Mom's Future Laptop)

So i was thinking about the small ones that dont need a CD drive, cuz trust me, who uses a CD in MVC? ITS ALL ABOUT USBS BABY!!!! SO i looked into the Netbook Society of computers... I foudn some great ones, and they all had great battery life (which is a plus for me cuz i hate dragging cables around MVC) and would be great since to lug around since i got a small bookbag for school, awesome... I dont do alot on a computer except type and go on the internet.... It looked practical, till mom said "Well the XPS looks practical since its fast and small"

All i need in a temporary lappy is bluetooth and a program to hack wifi (BEWARE BAYETA RESIDENCE! YOU HOUSE IS NOW MY INTERNET CAFE!!!)!

TO those who dont know, the XPS is know for its gaming and graphics stuff, so i was like yeah!
But they are THOOPER expensive so its like whaaaa? So i just added a few goodies... Like bluetooth and a six cell battery. That was when i learnd that the XPS had a standard screen that cuts by battery life IN HALF and a slim and efficient screen that saves a whole life.... yeah, i was going for the slim one, but mom said no... sigh, there goes my battery...

(The XPS Mom chose...)

(The XPS I wont be getting.... :/ )

So im getting the THOOPER expensive laptop because of its practicality, but it wont fit in my bookbag so that means i'll be lugging around an extra bag so i can blog at wifi spots in MVC. Pretty cool huh? I love my future laptop....