Wednesday, June 24, 2009

25 Things About Me

Well I was back reading some of Rj's old posts, and I read this post where he defined himself in 25 little statements. Okay!

1. I fall down the stairs constantly. No doubt. It's natural for me to do somersaults on elevated platforms.

2. I like to sleep when it's sunny and be awake when it's raining.

3. I have never eaten brussel sprouts

4. When I play piano, I make movies in my head to help me express music.

5. I am a pyromaniac

6. I like when people tell you straight forward, not gossip behind your back.

7. I like all music, being open minded with all.

8. I like movies with Jet Li and other wu shu people in it. Martial arts is like the best sport in my eyes.

9. I don't go to movie theaters, except IMAX since it's educational.

10. I like chinese history.

11. I have dreams in the form of music videos.

12. I procrastinate, a lot...

13. I usually fall asleep in loud classes and stay awake in quiet classes.

14. I want to skydive just for the thrill.

15. I can't stay up past 10:30 here in the Philippines, but can stay up till 5am in the states.

16. I like to watch car crashes in slow motion.

17. I've only seen one car crash...

18. I killed my friends parakeet, with my friend.

19. I don't like eating spicy food, I have horrible experiences...

20. I like it when it doesn't rain, that means less sticky, and more bike-ee.

21. I hate it when people complete sentences when the teacher is talking.

22. Airports annoy me when it comes to security.

23. I like to wear shorts than pants.

24. I wear shorts under my pants.

25. I like cherries because they have seeds you can spit, thus the cherry pit basketball game.

So yeah, about the parakeet... We stuck stuff in it's food and spiked the water, just to see what would happen. But unfortunately we saw too much... :(

I'm in class now, I failed the test... Sigh... Ö psychology is making me crazy. I guess I need to get my studying up to date, I hate standards. So yeah..

Posted with LifeCast

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