Wednesday, June 17, 2009

California LAX

So we got to california, and dad wanted to check for his flight. We walked out it was FREEZING! LOL I hate California weather. So he checked in and dad brought us to the check in place for Philippine airlines. We ate a McDonalds, well we just ate fries let's leave it at that. Haha! Fun fun.. We checked in finally and they said some stuff about my student something or another blah blah. It was hilarious when the supervisor came to help us. She spoke perfect tagalog, and she was lighting fast at speaking too! I don't think anybody couldve understood, cept dad I guess. Anyway she was talking really good Tagalog and really fast, and when she said "student permit" it was really slow and well said. Lmao. I was trying to keep my laugh in. Haha!

Anyway so we said goodbye to dad and we left to get checked for any bad stuff (possibly stuff like bad magazines or cigars I don't know), and it was such hassle! Gah!! So if u didn't know, I was dragging two laptops through the airports. And we had to take em out of my carry-on luggage, and I swear, I was like the blood clot LAX. I probably caused the airport a few blackouts and heart attacks. Finally we were done.

We got to our gate, and I wanted some sour candy, so I went to buy some, I picked the biggest bag ($1.50, not bad for a bag of that size), and when cashier scanned it and added the tax, it was like $3.00! I was like "No!! my 150 pesos!!" I was angry... We waited at the gate and a whole flood of Filipinos came in, cept this one guy who was half white, and he was with his parents.

We boarded and it was still friggen cold. During the flight I wore my sweater, and put the blanket on my face and body. And I was still cold! My face was freezing! I could have had hypothermia and they wouldn't care. We landed after 13 hours of the airliner trying to preserve their passengers, you know, keep em fresh? Just individually wrap us if you want to keep our flavor tasting good!

That was it...

Posted with LifeCast

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