Saturday, August 1, 2009

i hate computers

Well generably speaking, i hate most computers. They're great and all, and yeah i spent some money on one, but i hate the computers here in the computer lab. Seriously what kind of computer has 32 mb of ram? i can barely load anything with this piece of poo. Sigh, and they expect me to facebook?

Lmao so whatever... I got news from nicky that she was gonna transfer schools along with her parents. I want to transfer too but not to where they're going, i dont like the school program around here, and its sooo annoying cleaning your shoes all the time cuz the road is all muddy. And i cant stand some of the teachers... And even though its not really needed, i hate not having internet.

I cant ge internet around here, and if i do, its super slow and i cant even load google.

*kicks stupid computer*

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