Monday, March 16, 2009

The first post...

So since i havent blogged in a long time, I think i should make a really long post, just for old times sake. Hehe...

Well, I'm here at home, and theres soo much to do, but i dont feel like it. Like i should be practicing my trumpet (since i totally forgot how), but i dont feel like it... And i should be downloading a whole bunch of music and videos for Nicky and RJ, but im too lazy even though im always on the computer. And I also should be composing my musical renditions of hymns like i promised myself i would, but im sooo lazy.... Ughh....

Luckily on the bright side, at least i did the minimum work i should be doing. Like i washed my aunt's SOOPER EXPENSIVE LEXUS (BUT REALLY ISNT EXPENSIVE ANYMORE BECAUSE THEY CREATED A NEW MODEL SO THIS ONE IS ALL LET IN THE DUST AND I HAVE TO CLEAN [ALL THAT DUST]). Luckily, I have my new PSP with a whole bunch of music to keep me company. Its great actually.

Side note: When I was cleaning the Lexus, I noticed that there was this beat up dog (sorta like the ones in MVC, but dirtier) walking around. He was hanging around the area where we live so i assume that he lived nearby. But when I was cleaning the inside of the car (which still needs to be finished), he kept going into the garage so i had to keep kicking him out.

Actually, i feel bad now, cuz mom said that the dog was probably an abandoned dog from one of the foreclosed houses in our neighborhood. BUT I HATE THAT DOG! Someone left a big bag of garbage right outside our garage, and when we came back, the dog ripped open the bag, and practically spread it all over the upper left portion of our yard (within garage range). I had to pick up everything witch totally sucked. I was going to ship that dog off to the pound. And when i was cleaning up, some sort of light yellowish gooey liquid got on my hand from a disposed plate in the bag. EWWW, it smelt like fresh fart! I still dont see how i got it on my hand, i didnt even go near it.

Smelly fart+Gooey Yellow Liquid=Nick's hand?

well thats what happened...

So after, i downloaded a game demo onto my psp so I could see whether i want to play it or not. And after, i was convinced that this game was THOOPER FUN! haha! Seriously, it may look like a game for children or nitwits, but this game is GENIUS! Its all about this tribe of patapons and blah blah blah blah blah.... It was awsome, especially since you need musical genius to keep a beat since the whole game is about you leading this tribe through puzzles and wars by using drums..

Its called patapon and its AWESOME!!! I cant wait till the new one comes this May...Its an awesome game. You cant hate it unless you try it....

So the latest craze with me its patapon, but i have other things to think about. First i need to order a laptop. I was thinking a lot recently about the model I should order. I was leaning to the SONY side, but its waaayyy to expensive, although the really small one looked cool... Maybe later in life...

Then i went to TOSHIBA, but i found nothing there cuz they are just as expensive as SONY
Then i went to HP, thinking I have found hope! But dad said the customer service sucked.....
Then i went to DELL, but all the upgrades are expensive. BUT THE SERVICE IS GREAT!!!

So i stuck with dell. At first i was going for the small Inspiron 1300 which by the way is awesome looking, its just the graphics that suck.... But it turns out Clyde's mom is getting another laptop for work cuz clyde is going to "college" and needs a laptop, and his mom needs one too. So clyde gets the white one, and his mom gets the little blue one. Im stuck with whaaat???!(Clyde's Mom's Future Laptop)

So i was thinking about the small ones that dont need a CD drive, cuz trust me, who uses a CD in MVC? ITS ALL ABOUT USBS BABY!!!! SO i looked into the Netbook Society of computers... I foudn some great ones, and they all had great battery life (which is a plus for me cuz i hate dragging cables around MVC) and would be great since to lug around since i got a small bookbag for school, awesome... I dont do alot on a computer except type and go on the internet.... It looked practical, till mom said "Well the XPS looks practical since its fast and small"

All i need in a temporary lappy is bluetooth and a program to hack wifi (BEWARE BAYETA RESIDENCE! YOU HOUSE IS NOW MY INTERNET CAFE!!!)!

TO those who dont know, the XPS is know for its gaming and graphics stuff, so i was like yeah!
But they are THOOPER expensive so its like whaaaa? So i just added a few goodies... Like bluetooth and a six cell battery. That was when i learnd that the XPS had a standard screen that cuts by battery life IN HALF and a slim and efficient screen that saves a whole life.... yeah, i was going for the slim one, but mom said no... sigh, there goes my battery...

(The XPS Mom chose...)

(The XPS I wont be getting.... :/ )

So im getting the THOOPER expensive laptop because of its practicality, but it wont fit in my bookbag so that means i'll be lugging around an extra bag so i can blog at wifi spots in MVC. Pretty cool huh? I love my future laptop....

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