Wednesday, June 24, 2009

25 Things About Me

Well I was back reading some of Rj's old posts, and I read this post where he defined himself in 25 little statements. Okay!

1. I fall down the stairs constantly. No doubt. It's natural for me to do somersaults on elevated platforms.

2. I like to sleep when it's sunny and be awake when it's raining.

3. I have never eaten brussel sprouts

4. When I play piano, I make movies in my head to help me express music.

5. I am a pyromaniac

6. I like when people tell you straight forward, not gossip behind your back.

7. I like all music, being open minded with all.

8. I like movies with Jet Li and other wu shu people in it. Martial arts is like the best sport in my eyes.

9. I don't go to movie theaters, except IMAX since it's educational.

10. I like chinese history.

11. I have dreams in the form of music videos.

12. I procrastinate, a lot...

13. I usually fall asleep in loud classes and stay awake in quiet classes.

14. I want to skydive just for the thrill.

15. I can't stay up past 10:30 here in the Philippines, but can stay up till 5am in the states.

16. I like to watch car crashes in slow motion.

17. I've only seen one car crash...

18. I killed my friends parakeet, with my friend.

19. I don't like eating spicy food, I have horrible experiences...

20. I like it when it doesn't rain, that means less sticky, and more bike-ee.

21. I hate it when people complete sentences when the teacher is talking.

22. Airports annoy me when it comes to security.

23. I like to wear shorts than pants.

24. I wear shorts under my pants.

25. I like cherries because they have seeds you can spit, thus the cherry pit basketball game.

So yeah, about the parakeet... We stuck stuff in it's food and spiked the water, just to see what would happen. But unfortunately we saw too much... :(

I'm in class now, I failed the test... Sigh... Ö psychology is making me crazy. I guess I need to get my studying up to date, I hate standards. So yeah..

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Shhh Im Not Here

Lol so today we are having classes. The week is almost over so I got to know most of my teachers. Since we call our teachers by their last names, I should mention their names using, of course, their last name.


I guess that's it, if my class schedule serves me right. Well, me and RJ have the exact same classes, so I have a buddy. But there are so many people in each class, it feels like public school again, except most of the are Filipino and sometimes don't even want to talk to you because you're an English speaking person. Although I tell them I can understand a simple conversation, they refuse to talk so I just say hi once in a while. And now that there are more people around, people start to stare more (because around here, they practically glue their eyes to you) and turn heads more. So, take moms advice and frown at them. Haha! Give them some worthwhile entertainment.
Haha, so anyway...

Recently I hve had nobody to talk to because not much people like to talk about war and blowing up stuff, well, maybe just around here they don't. So try talking skateboards and bikes, I did, and it didn't work. Try talking pranks and weird jokes, but they don't understand. Here's a good one, you talk about music, like artists and their songs, but they have no clue what you're talking about!! Agh! What to do what to do...

So yeah I've been in my little bubble that only a few know about... Lately I've been wanting to play a prank on people..

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Too Lazy To Hunt Down For Internet

Well, I thought that I could hack all the wifispots around here in mvc, but some dummy deleted it off my USB and computer. Sigh... I think it was the anti-virus. Now I have to use the crappy version to hack. Well lately the school has gotten a lot of wifi spots, especially in emerald hall.

Speaking of emerald hall, Dr. Dial announced that there are a few rooms left. Possibly because the supposed "international dorm", is chock full of Philippine citizens! Wow, and they say you can't call the kettle black (I seriously have no clue what that means). Even some of the english speaking people that are from the states, are born in the Philippines! Isn't it amazing?! Well, it sometimes makes me wonder why they built an international dorm.. Awkward..

Back to the topic, there's a whole bunch places with open wifi, if you don't include Nicky's house as an open internet place. Lol, take note RJ, do not abuse the INTERNET POWER OF NICKY. She needs it more than we do. :)

Sigh... I hope they get wifi in RJ's room. I know that his roomate needs internet. *wink wink

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White Guy Stalker...

Remember that half white guy that I saw at LAX airport? Yeah, I saw him in chow king Valencia... Freaky, he wouldn't stop staring.

So I've been up to a lot of things this week. During enrollment, uncle "borrowed" the class numbers. So we finished ebrolling quickly. But before that, me and RJ decided to visit the highschool's first day of school, which was in the auditorium as their first chapel service. I said hi to a lot of people, and it was okay. I started to redread the typical American to Filipino conversation where they don't know what they you are talking about and end the conversation with "okay". Then you have to start a new topic because that one went so well. Then they okay everything and it gets real awkward.. So I was happy when RJ introduced me to a new American girl (pure Filipino though). So we met, her name is Amy Adlaon, so mom or auntie, find out if we are related. It'd be awesome. I think her dads name is Wellie? I dunno. But it was so relieving to have a conversation that actually continued even if the topic was stupid, and didn't end in one word...

Back to the subject, they started singing and Ma'am Canarecio was the chorister, and she sang this song that had whistling and stuff. But it was hilarious!! She was singing falsetto because the pitch was too high! So she told the pianist to "lower the bitch". We started laughing!!! And when I mean we, it was just the international students. And then she mumbled it again and it was even more hilarious! Nobody cept the international students laughed. So we finished enrolling, and we set out for whatever there was left to do.

Then school for the college was cancelled because of a swineflu scare. Why they call it h1n1 virus I have no clue... I visited mvc a lot to hang with people, and we had fun I guess. I met a whole bunch of people this year. Lol. Fun fun. Will update when I'm not too lazy to... Time goes by sooo slowly over here...

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California LAX

So we got to california, and dad wanted to check for his flight. We walked out it was FREEZING! LOL I hate California weather. So he checked in and dad brought us to the check in place for Philippine airlines. We ate a McDonalds, well we just ate fries let's leave it at that. Haha! Fun fun.. We checked in finally and they said some stuff about my student something or another blah blah. It was hilarious when the supervisor came to help us. She spoke perfect tagalog, and she was lighting fast at speaking too! I don't think anybody couldve understood, cept dad I guess. Anyway she was talking really good Tagalog and really fast, and when she said "student permit" it was really slow and well said. Lmao. I was trying to keep my laugh in. Haha!

Anyway so we said goodbye to dad and we left to get checked for any bad stuff (possibly stuff like bad magazines or cigars I don't know), and it was such hassle! Gah!! So if u didn't know, I was dragging two laptops through the airports. And we had to take em out of my carry-on luggage, and I swear, I was like the blood clot LAX. I probably caused the airport a few blackouts and heart attacks. Finally we were done.

We got to our gate, and I wanted some sour candy, so I went to buy some, I picked the biggest bag ($1.50, not bad for a bag of that size), and when cashier scanned it and added the tax, it was like $3.00! I was like "No!! my 150 pesos!!" I was angry... We waited at the gate and a whole flood of Filipinos came in, cept this one guy who was half white, and he was with his parents.

We boarded and it was still friggen cold. During the flight I wore my sweater, and put the blanket on my face and body. And I was still cold! My face was freezing! I could have had hypothermia and they wouldn't care. We landed after 13 hours of the airliner trying to preserve their passengers, you know, keep em fresh? Just individually wrap us if you want to keep our flavor tasting good!

That was it...

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