Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Well its one of those days that i have when i feel completely inspired by something, then i realize that there is no way i could possibly do that in my current situation… :(

It started last week when i suddenly got the urge to play my violin. Sadly, i dont have a violin here in the states cuz i took it to the phillipines. So my parents said that they would get me one so i could practice during my stay, but we never got around doing that. So recently i saw this piece that i wanted to play, and i was so inspired after i heard the song, but then i sorta dont know anymore. After a while of knowing that its impossible to do whatever you want, then it really seems far away. Now i dont even feel like touching a violin. All hope lost.

Now i was reviewing my simple circuit stuff just recently, when i realized that it was seriously easy learning about the simple circuit when you actually see one (i was looking at chipsets and motherboards and what nots..). So i got inspired to create a circuit complete with parts (which were carefully researched). I found out what components work with what, and whether the parts were compatible with each other. All hard work with additional sweat. All the parts were $1-10 per part, so i tried working in a budget. I even asked a guy to program the thing (he’s my former-classmate genius).

Well, it turns out that I cant order parts online, since i dont have an account or credit card, and i cant pay in cash… I dont have permission to use the soldering equipment, nor do i have permission to practice the soldering. I dont have the right tools like a small clamp and magnifier to do the detailed work. So, just another one gone by.

maybe next time i catch a drift, i’ll have the right stuff

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Super small entry… :D

well its been a while since i blogged so i think it would be a good time to update you on whatever is going on now. So i think that i should start from the somewhat beginning.

So recently i went biking around, like i mean around around. Our compound that we live in is rather large, so biking is practically a weeks-worth workout. I biked far and low, and nearly hit a mail-box when i wasnt paying attention. :P

Then me and my friend decided to go and play basketball. Actually, he was supposed to help me practice, turns out it was a competition against each other… He ended up winning. I forgot the score though.. :D

BUt when i was walking to the basketball court, i saw this guy who doesnt know how to park. Lol its hilarious. Over a two day period (not consecutively…) he parked in two different positions…

Haha001 Haha015

The stupidity of this guy. Notice how he’s on the sidewalk and grass, what a doo doo head. And in the second he’s like blocking the garage! He lives in our neighborhood, so its pretty much a daily sighting.

I also went shopping for new clothes and got a few goodies.


i guess thats all that happened…. Will update later… :D Oh and im also addicted to chicken nuggets now.

Friday, April 3, 2009

starburst craze…

im eating starburst candy now, its a great taffy and all, but i only like the red ones…

i need to buy candy for RJ and Nicky. Last time my dad brought candy to me in the Philippines, RJ and Nicky ate some. I’m not sure whether they dont like it, so I’ll get em some nasty chocolate… :D

hope you guys like dark!

Clearing the garage…

so about two days ago, i decided to clean the garage (in hopes of gaining a few extra cash on the side to buy RJ’s and other peoples gifts). So far my goal is about $68 USD (which is 3400 Philippine pesos with the standard of $1=P50) So far my garage cleaning is up to its almost third day, that being today. I got most of the garage cleaned, but unorganized it a way. so far, i fixed most of that today by smashing a few boxes, but its still 11:05 AM here in Florida.. so i hope that i can get a lot done today. Im just taking a quick break since its tiring when you’re the skinny guy lifting heavy boxes….

So it got me thinking, what is in these boxes? i cracked a few open and they were CD’s from a long time ago. Back when windows was actually making software for the public. Its like computer artifacts that i was longing to destroy… ;D

its awkward when you dont clean things up, cuz then more things start to clutter and soon enough you’re buried in the debt. Much like my room, but the irony is, im cleaning the garage but not my room… :D

so i asked my dad if i could throw away some of this old software, and he said “yeah you could”… browsing through the boxes, i found more than just old software, i found a whole bunch of memories. I recently found my grandparents picture in one of the boxes, and i remember looking at those when i was still really little (like 4 or 5). And i found some old toys that i used to play with and cds that me and my sister (alecca) used to spend hours playing on the computer. Im not sure whether you guys know about putt-putt. lol… so anyway…

and the cool part is, i found my dad’s diploma when he graduated from IIT in iligan, the real one, not the copy… and i also found my mom’s book filled with her old applications and stuff along with her “something” that she needed to renew her licensure for nursing in the Philippines… :D and whole bunch of old pictures that i dont remember being in… :D

well, im off to clean again… i will show you my progress after cuz i dont wanna embarass anyone anyhow… :D