Wednesday, August 5, 2009

i have a headache...

We've been having our exams this week, and i dont think i did well on one of them. General Chemistry is killing me, not the lab, the lecture sid eof general chemistry... Ever since i took that class my life has been a living heck... Pshh, and his friggen exams possibly wiped out the nursing students, most of them were complaining.. Haha

So anyway, last night, RJ's friend Steffy (stuffy in my world) left back for thailand, so shes in luck. At least school hasnt started there yet. And in about a week and a half, my friend is going back to the states (oklahoma) and shes gonna go to school there. She was supposed to go to school here, but she didnt like it i guess.... I want to go home too. The lack of picles, sour candy, and internet is killing me.. Slowly.... Somehow i feel like im back in the middle ages...

Recently theres been a rather large case of blackouts in MVC, so every once in a while, the lights will go out. And its been quite windy here too, so the howling of the wind and the dark streets of MVC is more of a horror movie than the school of the light, generally speaking of course. It is still the school of the light.. HAhhahaa

Backing up, I havent gone to valencia in a while, and i really need to though. Its killing me i havent eaten chicken in a while, i dont like the deep fried ones they make at our house, but i like the ones they have a Chow King or Jollibee. And in attempt to redeem my partially chinese culture (yeah right) im gonna make some honey chicken... I've been looking for some chinese restaurant around here but im not getting any luck. Besides, the chinese restaurant (also known as chowking) here doesnt serve chinese, it serves everything BUTT chinese.... I mean seriously, since when did the chinese invent Halo-Halo? Or serve fried chicken and have chicharron cracker thingies? They dont even have honey chicken!!! Well i told some people my plan, the filipinos that grew up here, and the one response i got was "whats that?"

Then i told rochelle (filipino but american) that was gonna make some, and she wants some too.. Now i gotta find some chicken boobs (or breasts same thing), or i have to slaughter one... Hahah i told rochelle how to kill a chicken! She was a bit freaked out...

SO im gonna play for S.O. next friday so i gotta get cracking on my piece. I think i can upload a video later, once i take one. I need to find a substitute for Rice Wine Vinegar, they dont have any here in the phillipines...

---So here goes the main ramble of the day....---
(we will change the names of the people for anonymous purposes)
Theres this guy, his name is Ricky, and he WONT FRIGGEN LEAVE ME AAAALLLLONE. !@#$%^&

So like heres the story. Last week for S.O. (student orientation) i was supposed to play the violin for the meditation. I was practicing alone, and i txted Clyde (my cousin pianist) to come to the church so we could practice. He brought his friend, Justin and Bob. So while we were practicing, Justin hanged around Clyde, and Bobby was floating around me. After we were done, bobby started talking to me. I didnt mind, it was actually my first time associating with him even though he's in like 2 of my classes... We said bye bye and that was it.

Next day, it was friday, and it turns out there were some complications for S.O. and so i got moved to a later date. I was walking around MVC since i felt lazy and just wanted to go walking, besides, there was a breeze. When all the sudden, Justin comes out of NOWHERE (like thin thin air) and says "have you seen clyde?"

Seriously, clyde never has load, so people cant really contact him. I'm planning to load the guy every week so he'll at least reply when i txt him, forget the others, its all about me.. :D

So i walk around with Justin, and we just start talking about random stuff... He was still okay in my book at the time. We found clyde in the Pioneer Guesthouse and there was clydes old singing group. It was pretty cool. Justin brought his soccer ball, and said he'd help me with soccer if i helped him with violin. Agreed (i still have the offer). We hung out the rest of the day....

SATURDAY came and i went to the A.Y. program, and he approached me. I got annoyed since he kept talking about one of my cousins, for short, we will call her Bombalaquisha...

He kept asking me "did i change"? And i didnt know how to answer that question since i only met him a few days ago. And constantly he would say "bombalaquisha said that i change, did i change?" i got soooo annoyed like that was the whole topic, and it continues today... He wants me to talk to her and find out..... It turns out Bombalaquisha is annoyed with him too and wants him to go away and has been avoiding him since. Justin followed me around until 9 pm... It was like having my own kid, dragging them around to whatever and where ever you go forreal.. :D

Anyway, so it was night time and i had to go to practice and this guy kept following. So i ditched practice and went on to having a study session with RJ since the day after was our exams. We studied, and Justin came along... We went home, i dropped by RJ's dorm to get some notes, and decided to walk home... Justin wanted to come along... I couldnt get him off my tail. I said "Aren't you sleepy? maybe you shoiuld go sleep." "go home its late" "im not sure whether im allowed to invite people into my uncles home, its not my house anyway." (BTW my uncle is the father of Bombalaquisha) That kind of thing...

BUT HE WOULDNT GO AWAY!!! I made him wait outside just for a few minutes so i could change and we could talk outside since i wasnt sure if i could let him in. I came out of my room all changed, and HE WAS FRIGGEN STANDING NEAR MY ROOM! AHHH

I had to eat too, so i sat at the table to eat and stuff, and Justin was saying "i'm hungry". My uncle told him to eat, and he didnt. Then he just sat next to me and asked "Did i change?"

Friggen guy wont leave me alone.... And thats my rant...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

i hate computers

Well generably speaking, i hate most computers. They're great and all, and yeah i spent some money on one, but i hate the computers here in the computer lab. Seriously what kind of computer has 32 mb of ram? i can barely load anything with this piece of poo. Sigh, and they expect me to facebook?

Lmao so whatever... I got news from nicky that she was gonna transfer schools along with her parents. I want to transfer too but not to where they're going, i dont like the school program around here, and its sooo annoying cleaning your shoes all the time cuz the road is all muddy. And i cant stand some of the teachers... And even though its not really needed, i hate not having internet.

I cant ge internet around here, and if i do, its super slow and i cant even load google.

*kicks stupid computer*