So this week was pretty awesome, although it went by pretty slow. It all started when Pastor Glenn asked me to go fishing last week. I said yeah sure, so we went fishing. Now, yeah i have some experience fishing, but usually me and my friend were at a lake catching fresh water fish, and some annoying lake weed.
We were gonna go to the pier for some fishing, but then there was a change in plans… We were gonna go deep sea fishing! yaaayyy i’ve never gone deep sea fishing! SO before we got on the boat, we stopped by a little store to pick up some food, cuz the best medicine for sea sickness is eating food! It may not feel like the best idea when you feel like up-chucking your breakfast, but it is the right idea. So we got the food, and i took some motion sickness pills in case cuz it was my first time fishing on a boat. :O
We got to the docks a bit little bit early, so there was time to meet the captain and the guy who helps the captain and the fishermen. So we waited a good hour for all those who were gonna hop on the boat, and WE WERE OFF! oh btw, fishermen a really cool, and they always help you in fishing.
So we began i didnt get any bites for the first few sections. But then i put on more weights and changed my bait to squid. As soon as my bait hit rock bottom, i got a hit! And it was REALLY REALLY difficult to reel it in, the rod wouldnt stop moving! I lost the bait, and the weights cuz the line sorta got cut at the bottom. Pastor Glenn said it was probably a blue marlin since the rod was moving like crazy. like wow, a blue marlin!
So i caught a few fish, like three. The others got away or were too small, or poisonous. So i brought home three of em, and stuck em in a cooler…
So yeah… Oh i have a papaya tree, it looks horrible. I think its dying now. It was looking pretty good last last week…

The last of em…