Sunday, May 31, 2009

Airplane "ad-ben-chore"

Part 1: Last minute packing and departure.
I woke up around 6 am and walked downstairs, when mom reminded me that I had to finish packing my carry-on stuff. So I started on that, and eventually finished. All that was left was to take a quick bath and slap on some clothes. After that I waited for my dad to finish his preperations. We said our goodbyes and stuff and then left for Miami International Airport. We waited for dad to park the car while we waited with the luggages. We finally checked in and started to get ourselves "checked" by the airport security. Same old same old. We walked to our gate and bought some pizza. We also watched Wall-E till Timmy (my laptop) almost died. I didn't charge him the night before so yeah.

We boarded on our plane, and it was the longest ride I have ever had in my entire life. But I did watch Parks and Recreation, hilarious...

Next, part 2! California!

Posted with LifeCast

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

So, Yeah

Well tthis week has been hectic due to the fact that all thaw graduations have been going on. Now this week I have to play "Pomp and Circumstance" for my old private school, on the violin. Lol the teacher wants it to be authentic sounding, as if the cd wasn't enough!! LOL update u later... I have to practice now.

Posted with LifeCast

Lol I can blog!!!

Yaaaaayyyyy!!!!!! This is awesome since I now can blog from the iPod so no more long lines at the computer lab!!!! Whoo now I can blog on the go!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

My pitiful papaya tree…

So this week was pretty awesome, although it went by pretty slow. It all started when Pastor Glenn asked me to go fishing last week. I said yeah sure, so we went fishing. Now, yeah i have some experience fishing, but usually me and my friend were at a lake catching fresh water fish, and some annoying lake weed.

We were gonna go to the pier for some fishing, but then there was a change in plans… We were gonna go deep sea fishing! yaaayyy i’ve never gone deep sea fishing! SO before we got on the boat, we stopped by a little store to pick up some food, cuz the best medicine for sea sickness is eating food! It may not feel like the best idea when you feel like up-chucking your breakfast, but it is the right idea. So we got the food, and i took some motion sickness pills in case cuz it was my first time fishing on a boat.  :O

We got to the docks a bit little bit early, so there was time to meet the captain and the guy who helps the captain and the fishermen. So we waited a good hour for all those who were gonna hop on the boat, and WE WERE OFF! oh btw, fishermen a really cool, and they always help you in fishing.

So we began i didnt get any bites for the first few sections. But then i put on more weights and changed my bait to squid. As soon as my bait hit rock bottom, i got a hit! And it was REALLY REALLY difficult to reel it in, the rod wouldnt stop moving! I lost the bait, and the weights cuz the line sorta got cut at the bottom. Pastor Glenn said it was probably a blue marlin since the rod was moving like crazy. like wow, a blue marlin!

So i caught a few fish, like three. The others got away or were too small, or poisonous. So i brought home three of em, and stuck em in a cooler…

So yeah… Oh i have a papaya tree, it looks horrible. I think its dying now. It was looking pretty good last last week…

IMG_5343 IMG_5342

The last of em…


Saturday, May 2, 2009


watchin pacman....

too busy...