Monday, July 27, 2009

I just finished class so i guess i have some time to make a blog post. I'll make this one long too, cuz im not sure when i can blog again. So anyway...

I'm practicing my photoshopping abilities so my pictures will look awesome. Hopefully i can post some high resolution pictures later, once i figure out how to do that on my camera, or if i get one of those super-mega-ultra super-tourist cameras with the giant lense and need a 10 wheeler to drag around. haha!

So anyway, i've been having classes and its been great. Rj and me have all the same classes, so its pretty fun having him around when weird stuff happens. For example, when this girl (not marielle, this one is BRAND SPANKING NEW or "fresh off de boat") liked RJ, it was hilarious. Actually, she was obsessing over him and it even got to the point where the girl got jealous. She began asking Nicky questions like "are you RJ's girlfriend?" and stuff like that. It was quite entertaining to hear and see. The girl would stare at RJ, even when he wasnt looking. I sorta saw because when people stare, i stare right back, plus it looked like she was staring at me so it was really confusing...

RJ broke her heart in the end, but its okay, RJ still gets that death stare from her...

Moving along...
Again with the death stares. Okay so being a person who is fluent in english, living in MVC (or near) can be a hassle. Everytime you speak, people stare! Its so awkward, like then when you walk away, they still have their eyes glued to you. Take mom's advice and smile, or take auntie's advice and stare back, you choose. Even when we aren't speaking english, the stares continue.

We were walking around in front of Gaisano (its sorta like a grocery store), and we passed a bunch of people. AS we walked by, not saying a word, we felt their eyes staring at us. I bet if we turned around we'd catch them, but we didnt....

From my experience, this is how a hello goes:
Nick: Hello!
Random Person: Hi!

Now around these parts:
Nick: Hello!
Random Person2: Yes...

And in MVC:
Nick: Hello!
Random Person3: *weird expression on face as if constipated*

And when people are sitting down:
Nick: HELLO!
Random person4: *death stare*

Pretty scary if you ask me.. :D
So moving along... i have to think of a new post later... I'll write later..


Well here we go,.... School year started off, so me and rj got a few stories to tell..

First off, fresh off de boat, theres the topic of RJ's former girlfriend... Shes been haveing on and off crushes throughout the ongoing semester and it kills me how Rj isnt responding to her. Hahaha! You guessed it, Marielle is back... Well she listed her crushes on her blog... Rj happens to be Number 13 on the list, and climbing. Haha

Moving on. So just last night, there was a scare about the NPA or the New Peoples Army, and the dormitorians were confined to their rooms. Lolo thinks its just a joke that the guards are playing to keep people from roaming around at night, otherwise the siren would have sounded alerting everybody. Haha.

Anyway, we've been having classes and whatnot. Its been great, except that passing is gonna be a challenge. Tonight i'm gonna practice my chemistry homework because its running me over.. And i still have to do my report for Theoretical Foundations of Nursing. Its pretty hard too. Balancing my schedule can be rough, but i hope i can make it. And math with sir is sooooo hard. Sir Ferrer, the teacher that taught my mom, is teaching me. And the way he teaches is so, weird. I cant understand. He expects us to be in his head, and then wants us to learn. To me its like running into the wall over and over again. Sigh... And the book is no good because its written by him.

And now, for the moment you have been waiting for... My complaining.
So this school year has gotten to a rough start, and im so pissed. I dont care if they fricken read this, i dont care if it makes them angry or laugh, i dont give a damn....

SO there are these guys, and they act like they are on top of the world. When actually, they are gonna be at the bottom of it. Just watch. So me and RJ, we've been buddies since last year, and we are like close buddies and we have weird advendtures along with our trusty sidekick Nicky. Like the love stories with Rj and his awkward admirers, nicole and her information and gossip, and me and my weird self, yeah i guess you could say we were barkada. Haha.

But lately these guys have been picking on us, and its been annoying. I've been trying to ignore them. They call us names, tell stories about us to other people, and make us seem like we're bad people. For instance, they call me and RJ FAGS to get us off the hook. And they tell everybody that we are fags and how we blah blah blah. Well, i didnt want to get involved so we tried ignoring them thinking that they'd leave us alone. But its been going on and on and on and on, and its pissing me off. Sometimes i feel like getting a knife and just stabbing my pillow (just to vent out my anger). I just wanna hurt them real bad. I mean, seriously, i;ve been trying to remediate myself by not cursing or yelling at people when i get angry. I'm just trying to keep it in, and im not sure how RJ handles it but he's okay, or so it seems.. :D

Kane and Dan are their names. They go by the name Kane Simoso (or however you spell it) and Dan de Guzman. They think they are so cool, but they act like complete assholes. Im so mad....

They make fun of everything that i own (i dont know about rj, but maybe they do). Like for instance, the Dell laptop, that was really expensive and has awesome hardware, is just a piece of junk that they think they can just make fun of. I know it may seem childish, but i like my computer, and they dont know what people went through just to buy me this computer. And i bet their computer is a piece of junk too.

Then goes the RJ part. Recently i found out that they call me a fag because im RJ's buddy. And seriously? I guess they dont see the light.

I see them, they drink and smoke.

Rj is my buddy, and they seriously dont have the right to label somebody. IF i had the right to name them, heres how it would go:

Kane Simoso: Guy who cant get a girl because everyone that he meets, she dumps (Dolly Belican for one). And the guy who has no sensitivity to girls. I bet even the gay people wont like him.

Dan de Guzman: One who cannot even pass his senior year in MVCA when countless mentally retarded people have. Its hilarious. And plus, he's either gonna die of Lung cancer or alchohol poisoning or kidney failure from all the drugs and drinks he takes.

Lets see how this all turns over. Im gonna play the huggest prank on them, and lets see how it turns over. I learned how to do Chinese Water Torture... Its great when u want somebody to go crazy!